State and internals
The createForm3
function returns this type FormState<T, E> & FormInternals
Let’s look at the differences between these types using their value (state)
formValue (internals)
properties as an example:
value: T | undefined
- Intended for use by the user
- Maintains the consistency of the form state
- Returns a snapshot of the form state
- The update takes into account the default values from the JSON Schema
formValue: SchemaValue | undefined
- Intended for use by the library
- Direct access to the form state
import type { Action } from "svelte/action";import type { FormContext, Errors, FormValue, Config, ValidationError, FieldErrors,} from "@sjsf/form";import type { Mutation } from "@sjsf/form/use-mutation.svelte";import type { EventHandler, FormEventHandler } from 'svelte/elements';
interface FormState<T, E> { value: T | undefined; errors: Errors<E>; isSubmitted: boolean; isChanged: boolean; validation: Mutation< [event: SubmitEvent], { snapshot: FormValue; validationErrors: Errors<E>; }, unknown >; fieldsValidation: Mutation< [config: Config<unknown>, value: FormValue], ValidationError<E>[], unknown >; validate(): Errors<E>; validateAsync(signal: AbortSignal): Promise<Errors<E>>; submit(e: SubmitEvent): void; reset(): void; updateErrorsByPath( path: Array<string | number>, update: (errors: FieldErrors<E>) => Omit<ValidationError<E>, "instanceId">[] ): void;}
interface FormInternals { enhance: Action; context: FormContext; formValue: FormValue; submitHandler: EventHandler<SubmitEvent, HTMLFormElement> resetHandler: FormEventHandler<HTMLFormElement>}